Monday, November 28, 2011


This is my painting of a rose. I really like this one, and i think it turned out really well. Considering that I really can't paint. I would have, if I had more time, I would have spent more time on the stem. But overall it looks pretty good.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Oil pastel

This is a picture of an apple, a gourd, a leaf and a pumpkin. This is one of my favorite medias to play with. I like it because you can blend the colors to create new ones. ( One more thing, this is only my second time using oil pastels) I might have done something with the background, if i had a little more time. But i'm very happy with it, and it was really fun.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Zendoodle- B&W and Color

 This one was the one I spent the least time on. I love the rainbow thing on the bottom, I wish I had had more time to work on this one.
THis one I finished first and I spent way too much time on this one. I like how complete it looks but I could have added more.